Marriage Workshop for New and Expectant Parents

Research has shown that 69% of couples will experience a significant decline in marital satisfaction during the first year after having a baby. The Bringing Baby Home Workshop, based on the research of the Gottman Institute, prepares couples to thrive while working through the changes brought about by welcoming a new member to the family.

This workshop is a great fit for both expectant couples and couples who have recently welcomed a new member.  Whether you are expecting your first or fifth baby, the workshop offers enjoyable and practical exercises to help grow closer to your partner and strengthen your relationship.

We will be meeting November 3rd & 4th, 9:30am-3:30pm. (We will break for lunch.) Babies in arms are welcome.

Take a look at some of the additional info (below) from the Gottman Institute study of couples who participated in BBH workshop.  Pretty important stuff if you ask me!

Couples who took the BBH program reported high stable relationship quality. Those who did not take the BBH program showed a decline in relationship quality over the first year after the baby’s birth.
-There was less hostility expressed by both husbands and wives during conflict discussions if they had taken the BBH program.

Fewer mothers who took the BBH program showed symptoms of postpartum depression, the baby blues, and other indicators of psychopathology such as anxiety.
-Fewer fathers who took the BBH program showed signs of depression, anxiety and other psychopathology after the baby was born.

-Fathers who took the BBH program reported being more involved in parenting and feeling more satisfied and appreciated for their parental contributions.
-The quality of father-baby interactions was more positive if fathers had taken the BBH program

-Both fathers and mothers who took the BBH program (compared to those that did not) showed greater sensitivity and responsiveness to their infant’s signals. This was particularly true for fathers.
-Parents who took the BBH program demonstrated better coparenting abilities in that they were able to work together more positively during family play with their 3-month-old baby.
-Babies expressed more smiling and laughter during family play if their parents had participated in the BBH program. This was true for both 3 and 12-month-old infants.
-Several indicators of father-infant attachment security were rated more positively in families who had taken the BBH program.

-There were less language delays in one-year-old infants of parents who took the BBH program.
-Mothers who took the BBH program rated their babies as showing less distress in response to limitations (such as having a toy out of reach).
-1-year-old babies in the workshop group were rated as responding more positively to their fathers’ soothing (this is likely to reflect something about father-baby interaction quality as well as infant temperament).

To register or obtain more information, email Kim at Cost is $249 per couple (includes workbook/materials).  Space is limited.

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